I missed Episode 2, so when episode 3 started, it was when Sam's mom and uncle, Isaac (Ron Ng) came back to Sam and Phillip's life. Isaac was obnoxious to the core and tried to order Phillip and Sam around since technically he is Sam's uncle and he is Phillip's brother in law. In actual fact he is Sam's younger brother and Phillip's son. How the mother (Mary Hon) could just pack her bags and leave years before is still a mystery to me, though she did explained she didn't come back to Sam's life because she couldn't locate them. She told Isaac she was his sister instead of mother, why she did that I do not know. I thought Isaac was the half brother as a result of her extra marital affair with anorther man which resulted in her leaving her husband and son, but apparently not. I find the idea of them reuniting happily after all these years, though she did try to locate them AFTER abandoning them was quite far fetched. Wouldn't it be better if Isaac was Sam's half brother and Phillip forgiving the wife?

Anyway Sam was very irritated with Isaac, and did quietly voiced his displeasure but he didn't say much more, I think because he didn't want to offend his mother. Phillip knew Isaac was his son.

Anyway today I found out Phillip worked as the chief of F&B dept, in charge of food. He took Isaac to tour his kitchen and that brat deliberately sneezed in front of the food and dumped his bubblegum every where. Of course Phillip smiled and cleaned up but really, Phillip didn't OWN that dept, he worked in it, so I thought it would have been better to have Phillip giving Isaac one tight slap on both his cheeks, something I am sure Sam wanted to do for a very long time.

Sam's mom is young so I assume she had him very young in life, which explained his father and mother's very 70s approach to raising both sons, BUT Sam seemed to be the only serious, thoughtful one, in fact too serious. One hilarious scene had Phillip, Isaac and mom dancing and playing the saxophone and Sam came home, feeling very irritated and what did he do? He made his point by playing the er-hu! It was very very funny.

Anyway back to that Vincent-Belle-Sam issue. Belle was now seeing Vincent. Vincent narrated how he met and got along very well with Belle's parents whom I think died in some accident and he comforted Belle and how he fell for her but obviously Belle was still in awe with Sam, whom I suspect left abruptly after that Rome's one night stand or something which made Belle think Sam was a no good S.O.B. Not quite sure since I missed Ep 2. But Vincent was convinced Belle was the one for him, whilst Belle was still thinking about Sam. So she left it all up to fate, by AGAIN dropping her bracelet accidentally at the office and guess who found it? Sam but Sam gave it to Vincent who gave it to Belle and Belle thought Vincent was the one and she decided I think to think no more. Sam decided to let go as well but both of them was very shy around each other.

As for Zoe, she met Sam again and I think this little girl had something in mind with Sam. Maybe infatuation but I like watching Zoe. She was very cute and girlish next to Sam's ultra serious demeanour. I found out the staff at the airport didn't quite like Sam because he was very aloof whilst Vincent was the crazy one.

Tomorrow Vincent will find out Sam and Belle had something going on. Wonder when he will die?

Anyway story wise, I like today's episode, thanks to the Isaac-Sam-Zoe thing. Belle is boring, Vincent worse.

Performances of course were well.... I understand why Francis Ng toppled them all. I love how he stared at Ron Ng's Isaac, like anytime he will kill this obnoxious kid and yet tried very hard to stop himself from taking that step. Expressions wise, Sam is one stony faced guy but Francis Ng gave him a very deep emotional depth all through his electric and often scary eyes. I must say, Francis Ng was excellent.

Ron Ng did very well next to Francis but so far he need only be obnoxious so not much to do her. But man, he was irritating.

Joe Ma, thank God didn't speak English today so performance wise, he was average. He laughed too much, almost to the uncontrollable level that I find extremely irritating. But he and Francis Ng really looked like pilots.

As for Flora, she was average since this role was clearly wrong for her. To have two similiar characters but with different age difference (Belle and Zoe) is rather boring to watch. Maybe Belle will go through some problems, like when Vincent died that will make her different.

Myolie impressed me with her one minute scene where she talked to Francis' Sam and her eyes glowing with admiration and awe. Sam has a fan in Zoe! I always liked Myolie, I find her one of TVB's most talented and brightest young star limited only by her young age. As she is now growing older and more mature, she is more suited for more roles that she used to play but didn't quite suit her. Her chemistry with Francis was excellent and I believe she held her own next to a veteran like Francis who is known for his superb acting skill (though he still looked scary with his electric eyes). I really look forward to more Zoe-Sam scenes.

Thus far I am very happy with today's episode except for Sek Sau's performance. Scary. Can't stand him. I look forward to the next episode though I still wonder who cut Francis' hair? Why on earth that hair style??

End credits had Sammul Chan (really looked like a young pilot in training and spoke very credible English) explaining the no. of bars (do you call them that?) on the shoulder of a pilot and what they meant. If I remembered correctly...

4 bars - Captain

The rest I can't remember. Didn't notice though how much bars Sam had so will concentrate tomorrow.

One bad thing though. Don't they ever have office politics in this airport? Everybody is oh so friendly with everybody else! BUT I like the name Solar Airways. Very cool.

I must apologise for over emphasising on everybody's English. I can't help it because I mean I pity the older generations who can't understand English. Every sentence, at least 2 or 3 words in English, reminds me of some Hindi movie like "..blah blah blah GET OUT!!". Of course here it is "Blah blah blah really? Blah blah blah expectation blah blah very blah blah anyways blah blah". If you ask me, a bit pretentious.

I know knows who can play Vincent after thinking over the weekend for someone who is

1. tall

2. good looking

3. can match Francis in terms of close age range but let's face it, Francis is old

4. can speak decent English

5. looks like a pilot

6. doesn't look like Flora's little brother when kissing her

WHO?? Only one bloody name thus far and that is Ellesmere Choi. BUT WAIT! He is far too busy being TVB's highest paid ke-le-fe. I pity this actor. I am sure he can speak English, very sure. But I still feel Bowie could play a pilot in here and any man, thin fat handsome ugly smooth skinned pimple skinned, once in uniform, will look dashing. I long to see Ellesmere in a uniform (not fireman uniform but pilot, something very educated).

Who do you think can play Vincent?

I still feel Charmaine will be perfect as Belle since Belle is supposed to be die hard feminine romantic.

In fact who else can play Sam? Bowie. But I like Francis so he can stay. But Vincent, tell me, who can play Vincent?

Does anyone know the name of the actor who played that young drug addict rich kid, brother of Trammy in Not Just A Pretty Face? Quite good looking, I wonder is he one of the S4? If not he should've been one. Who is he??


Anonymous January 4, 2005 at 8:38 AM  

hi, tze here. ahaha i tot vincent was okay although his english is indeed pretty bad. so is sam's. belle's character is irritating, i know n she gets worse later in the series, trust me.

i'm a fan of charmaine's too, so don't get me wrong when i say this but i don't think charmaine will b quite suitable 4 this role because she looks 2 young 2 b belle. charmaine doesn't look 30, n she has dat kinda look which is small n innocent with a hint of playfulness in her. =) n belle is supposed 2 b near sam n vincent's age.

ahaha i'm glad i found another sam-zoe fan. they 2 r awesome. i love their chemistry.

will follow ur episode comments everyday. keep up the good work.

Anonymous January 4, 2005 at 9:09 PM  


who do i think can play Vincent !? Let's see

I know knows who can play Vincent after thinking over the weekend for someone who is

1. tall

Gallen Lo , Patrick Tam

2. good looking

Kevin Cheng

3. can match Francis in terms of close age range but let's face it, Francis is old

Gallen Lo , Patrick Tam

4. can speak decent English

I know Patick Tam , Kevin Cheng spoke excellent English

5. looks like a pilot

well this could be hard since all of them are not pilot's but if you say good looking in uniform , I can only think of Wong Hei

6. doesn't look like Flora's little brother when kissing her
I guess all guys above fit into this category except for Kevin and Wong Hei

My choice : Gallen Lo or Patrick Tam

Before anyone scold me or anything this is only my choice :p

Anonymous January 5, 2005 at 7:30 PM  

I dunno. I think Joe Ma is fine as Vincent. I can't think of anyone to replace him.

I don't remember who played the drug addict little brother of Trammy but he certainly isn't 1 of the S4.
S4 members: Ron Ng, Bosco Wong, Sammul Chan and Kenneth Ma (the actor who played Trammy's boyfriend).

Actually, I'm pretty dissapointed that the sriptwriter wasted 2 good characters. Both Chris (Bosco) and Roy (Kenneth) are interesting characters with interesting backgrounds but they are very very underutilised. Roy has nothing to do in the series except make up the numbers. It would not affect the flow of the series at all if this character is taken out of the series completely. Chris fares a bit better because at least he has something to do in the 1 of the last few episodes. But most of the time he was also just wasting space in the series.

As for the Zoe-Sam-Belle-Vincent square, I'm a Zoe/Sam and Belle/Vincent supporter. Among the 4, my favourite character is Vincent. Such a nice and loving husband. Belle really doesn't know how to cherish what she has.

Anyway, as for the episode 2 plot, I don't remember the details. But I remember that there's a misunderstading between Belle and Sam. 1 aspect of the plot I found totally unbelievable is that Sam and Belle never told each other their names even after they have 1 day of fun together, kissed, made love and are totally attracted to each other. Sam thought Belle's name was Donna by looking at the temporary waitress name tag Belle wore while Belle though Sam's name was Vincent when she saw Sam came to take a message meant for Vincent. So, when Sam heard some unfavourable things about Donna and Belle heard some unfavourable things about Vincent, both thought the other was just playing with them. So, they failed to meet at the promised place and time.




All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2005. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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