Today I learn more options for my future generations' possible Christian/English names.

We have

Donald - rich spoilt brat who wants to be anything other than running his rich father's business

Chris - Donald's best friend

And one girl whose name I still don't quite know yet.

Anyway the plot thickens.

Belle decided Vincent was the one at the beginning of the series and by the end of the series she is repeatedly having her doubts whilst Sam tried to stay clear from her whilst Vincent is still having his manic laughter until he went to Rome, went to a pub and lo and behold, saw a photo of both Belle and Sam together. So he knew Belle lied when she said she never met Sam, and Sam's silence caused an unease in opoor Vincent's fragile heart. Vincent refused to take Belle's call whilst Belle was wondering what was going on AND at the same time wondering is Vincent the one? Of course her friend, Ruby (Louisa So) was forever telling her Vincent is the catch of the millenium but Belle, poor Belle still can't figure out who she wanted or rather how to reject Vincent I think. For once Vincent stopped laughing like a maniac. Tomorrow I guess he will confront Sam but will he confront Belle??

Then we have Isaac with Sam really itching to slap him, more so when he caused so much trouble by his own unique arbitrary sense of justice. When Isaac broke Sam's favourite plane model, Sam for once flew into a rage (and still was terribly calm), told his mom that this Isaac can go home and get a job but mom and dad then told Sam the awful truth. Isaac was Sam's little brother. I still do not understand why mom told the lie that Isaac was her brother. I mean she was always looking for Sam & Phillip which meant she wanted to get back with Phillip which meant the relationship was still there which meant it would be very illogical to say Isaac is my brother instead of my son when she has every intention to return home. Am I missing something? Anyway, poor Sam. Now he had to take care of Isaac but he demanded mom and dad tell Isaac and guess what? They flew away to their honeymoon and leaving Isaac still thinking he was Sam's uncle and therefore had every right to be overbearing and so immature.

When Isaac was cycling, rich Donald with follower Chris was driving his BMW when they accidentally splashed water at Isaac. So Isaac said apologise, Donald said race me, win me and only then I will apologise. Before that he threw Isaac some money. So Isaac zig zagged through HK small lanes and won Donald and Donald said sorry and they became friends. During such time, Isaac accidentally knocked over a mahjong game and who was there to rescue Isaac? Brother Sam who had to pay I think $5k for the lost game. Isaac of course was unrepetent. Earlier Sam did scolded Isaac (that was before he knew Isaac was his brother) and Isaac simply walked away from the car.

Next scene we have Donald being asked to go back to dad's office and in came Michelle Ye (don't know her name yet) who demanded for adequate and fair compensation on behalf of the workers who were retrenched in the I think merger exercise or something. Michelle was asked to leave, she did and Donald was smitten with the girl who dared to question his almighty father (not God by the way).

Back to Sam, Isaac said he wanted to become a pilot so Sam took him to test fly a plane. Before flying Sam took like hours to test the plane. And I mean really long time and Sam deliberately did some amazing flying which resulted in Sam jumping off the plane the moment it landed and vomitted into the paperbag. Zoe was there of course to visit her cousin (also don't know his name yet but played by Jerry Lam) and she followed Sam around. Ahhhhh truly a die hard fan.

And we have again Michelle telling her mom (the head stewardess on Solar Airlines) that she lost her job and needed one. She said her mom's company seemed quite ok and mom said they were not looking air stewardess but rather trainee pilots and we have Michelle wondering what if. Her mom of course would rather her daughter meet a rich man and be a tai-tai.

Back to Sam ... ahhh nothing much. Tomorrow the cycle of doubt starts again as early on Belle will be convinced Vincent's the one and by the end ain't so convinced any more.

That is the problem with Belle. She is repetetive, she is unsure and yet I am sure she realise that whoever she chooses, the other will back away or rather Sam will back away. I don't think Sam will be a traitor to Vincent and more over I saw the wedding scene in the opening scenes. So the mystery is all gone for me. Anyway early into this episode as were the first few ones, she was convinced, then no so convinced and then really not convinced and then next episode convinced again. Very boring to watch this yo-yo undecisiveness. In ordinary circumstances I am sure Belle would realise that Vincent isn't really the one yet as per her feelings right now.

Poor Sam though. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck.

Storywise, very good episode today. I love the scenes between Sam and Isaac, and the way Sam stared at Isaac and Isaac ignoring it all simply because he was the uncle. In fact I felt like strangling Isaac myself. And Sam is the kind of guy who is the perfect pilot. He thinks before he acts, sometimes thinks too much but he cares about how other feels than rather how he himself feels. So he takes very good care of his passengers and his family as well. In the best scene in today's episode, he scolded Isaac when Isaac said he only did what was right (fighting a stranger for slapping his girlfriend, as in the stranger's own girlfriend when the girlfriend was unappreciative of his help). Sam said Isaac must think before he acts, he must consider also his parents' feelings, how would they feel if something bad happened. Isaac was of course screaming "I am your uncle, don't talk to be so rudely!" and stormed off the car. But Sam is right dear Isaac, whether uncle or no uncle.

Performance wise, Francis Ng still rules. Not much I can say except for his murderous stares at Ron's Isaac.

Ron Ng seems so much more at ease here than in Find The Light, I find him suit his role well as the arrogant big headed uncle.

Sammul Chan surprisingly plays a very arrogant rich kid, when I expected him to be the soft nice effiminate rich kid. Nothing much to say since too early to tell.

Flora is beginning to bore me whilst I await the promises of Myolie's performance of the perky Zoe. She has to be that perky as she is supposed to be very very young.

Louisa So sadly became the the highest paid ke-le-fe with her role practically doing nothing but sit in the cafe and repeatedly telling Flora's Belle, Vincent's the one.

Joe Ma spoke some horrid English today but luckily not much. Performance wise, average. Really not very watchable as an actor if you ask me.

Bosco is in here also but he looks wierd and nothing much to do (yet).

Michelle Ye was scary. I don't know why, I feel she can fight with Francis Ng for the scariest stare by an actor/actress. Performance wise, average. Nothing much to do yet.

Guest star we have Winnie Yeung as the pregnant wife of a stunt man. I am sure there will be more guest starring. Not worth mentioning anything yet.

Some questions though.

1. Is it that easy to become a trainee pilot? Don't they need some qualification and some eye test? It seems all under 26 seems eager to be pilots in here, and of course they will get into training school but none of them seems to suffer from bad eyesight or something like that.

2. This one was brought up by my sis who saw the scene where Ron raced Donald through some small back alley in HK and she asked...

"Didn't he just came back to HK? Home come he knows so many back alleys?"

Ahhh suspend logic.

Looking forward to tomorrow's episode but please, Belle no more!


Anonymous January 6, 2005 at 2:39 AM  

"Bosco is in here also but he looks wierd and nothing much to do (yet)."

I think u will have to put this sentence in every episodic thought from now on. If you are expecting Bosco to have much more to do in subsequent episodes, u will be sorely disappointed. He and Kenneth Ma (Roy) are only there to make up the numbers and do some kelefe jobs like giving advice and help out here and there.

Ok, the scriptwriter actually put a short segment for Chris and Roy to tell their own story, but they are really unrelated to the main plot. With or without this segment the plot will still run smoothly.

As for the girl's name. R u talking about the girl played by Michelle? Her name is Zita.


Funn Lim January 6, 2005 at 3:23 AM  

Kidd, I am beginning to realise that Bosco is the "Pong yau" in cantonese meaning the guy next to the main guy. A bit disappointed. As it is the show is a bit over crowded with men, can't they just write off some of them? How come that Kenneth Ma (?) is in here? I mean he is a ke-le-fe right?

Anonymous January 6, 2005 at 5:27 PM  

No, Kenneth's role in this series is not a kelefe role. He will be with the Isaac gang till the last episode. But his role is same with Bosco's - friend of the main character. Nothing much to do. A totally dispensable character

This guy is definitely not a kelefe now. He is actually one of the guy TVB is promoting now (he is part of S4). Now he is play major supporting role. I do not know where TVB has planned to promote him already before TITS or after TITS (he become part of S4 after TITS. S4 means Solar 4).

Anyway, I quite like Kenneth. He might not be as good-looking Ron, Bosco, or Sammul, but he manages to steal the scene everytime he appears in both Vigilant Of The Mask and My Master Is Wong Fei Hung.

Isaac is not that bad. He actually know it when he is wrong. But like many young men, he is too proud to apologize. If I remember correctly, Isaac did try to make up to Sam (for breaking his modal plane) by making breakfast for him. I like Sam and Isaac's relationship. Outwardly, they are at odds with each other, but there are little things they do that show viewers that they actually cared for each other.




All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2005. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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