The confusion of Belle continues.

Eh! I wrote this in episode 4! I think I will be writing this for many episodes to come. And it's true, she is still confused. Her head says Vincent, her heart says Sam. She believes so much in fate, that it is fated she and Sam met the way they did, that he was Mr X (or Mr Y? Forgot the alphabet), the triangel and all that nonsense, she perhaps kinda overlooked that perhaps she and Vincent was all fate too. So not to encourage such inane plot, I thought maybe I summarise tonights' episode, in terms of Belle's confusion as she refuses to meet Vincent's family because she is still thinking maybe it is Sam she wants and Ruby continues to hard sell Vincent and in the end, she decided to talk to Sam but never got a chance. The end.

Ok, back to more important stuff like the training sessions. Everybody got in, except for dear Paul because he scored the lowest marks and he finally understood perhaps it was not his destiny to fly a plane. One very touching scene was a panel of pilots (Sam, Vincent and others) interviewed each candidate individually and asked; "If you are asked to eliminate one candidate, who would it be?". Paul said "Myself, because I am perhaps the one with the lowest marks, and even if I can't get in and be a pilot, it would be my honour to sit in a plane manned by my friends". Zita said "It is very hard to choose, because all of us are as dedicated and as capable as everyone else, so I would choose myself". Isaac said ; "I would choose myself. Like Paul, he is very sensitive to the needs of others, he will take good care of the passengers". Donald of course promoted Zita because he liked her and said he would eliminate himself (he's not interested anyway). Chris I think complimented someone else, and said himself also and so did Roy who thinks everybody else is more calibre, they deserved a place. The trainers then showed the tape to the candidates and they became firm friends. The choosing process was hard but Sam was first to point out that he was touched by these kids' loyalty to one another which is good as it is an indication how co-operative and giving they could be. But to choose one, he will choose Isaac because he thought Isaac wasn't serious enough but Vincent said Isaac got talent. Besides these, of course there was a test scene where each candidate sat in a flight simulation and answered some very tough questions which is more towards common sense. I would think Donald deserved to be eliminated, because he wasn't serious. Poor Paul but he gained firm friends, which is great.

Then we have some touching moments which to me isn't touching, guest starring Twins, Charlene and Gillian who played long lost sisters who met again at the airport reunion scene (I am not too familiar who is who so I shall say the shorter one was the superstar sister, the taller one the studious one reunited with superstar sister) who now officially on screen are truly twins! Everybody was very touched by this which made Zita wanted to look for her father in Japan, where Donald arranged with everybody else whilst Zoe and Paul went to Japan to visit Zoe's brother. At the meantime, Sam was pressuring Phillip and wife to please tell Isaac about the truth about his status in the family but parents decided to film it, but half way decided to go to I think get some professional make up or something. Isaac came back and received a well meaning card from Zoe (she overheard Sam telling I think Vincent that Isaac was actually his little brother and Zoe thought Isaac knew) that congratulated him on finding his long lost brother. Isaac naturally saw the video though it was not shown and immediately he agreed to go to Japan with the gang when he previously agreed to have a family dinner where his parents were supposed to reveal the truth to him.

The end.

I find the parents very very irresponsible, because they wanted Sam to tell Isaac when it should be them. Poor Sam, in such a difficult position. Isaac also, he must feel cheated, which explains in the preview of the next episode his unreasonable behaviour. I feel the only sane and mature one in the entire Tong family is Sam.

Anyway, plot wise, interesting. I love that short scene where Zoe was sewing one big blanket and her uncle and aunt with Paul was there and there was warmth in that scene. Zoe is such a good girl and such a jolly happy one. Her uncle and aunt clearly adore her and I guess for those who didn't find her jolly happy attitude irritating will definitely find her such a sunshine. She reminds me of Jessica of Survivors' Law, the only difference is Zoe is much younger. But how YOUNG is Zoe? I know she is 15 years younger than Sam but how young?

In that respect I must mention Myolie Wu. What an amazing actress who blossoms into this beautiful intriguing personality who injects such active happy optimistic personality into her Zoe. Her voice is even different and I truly see her as someone so very young, maybe a bit naive but still not as undecisive as Belle. She is such a wonderful actress, I just hope she continues to be as good, if not better than now. In fact many veterans should learn from her. I still find her best performance is in Golden Faith, which is her most memorable performance but in Zoe, I enjoy watching this character. I just feel happy whenever she appears, and that is not because I like Myolie Wu. I mean I don't feel happy when she appeared in Survivors' Law, in fact I disliked her character towards the end but this Zoe, I simply adore her.

Michelle Ye deserves a mention as well. When she is not smiling like a hysterical Chinese opera singer or even act like one with her bulging eyes, she actually is a very thoughtful, graceful, feminine and gentle actress. I like her in this episode and I just pray she won't go Eternal Happiness on me. In fact I still find her best performance is in Treasure Raiders, not as the corpse but as the descendant of that corpse. She was so stunningly beautiful, her performance so graceful, her entire demeanour so elegant and gentle. What happened to her in other series I do not know, I just hope she just don't go Chinese opera on me. That is all I ask for and it is not much.

Sammul's character in here was so familiar that it finally and suddenly dawned on me his Donald was basically Vincent from Survivors' Law, less arrogant but still as cocky. I must compliment Sammul on his ability to have that twinkle in his eyes whenever he looks at someone he supposedly is in love with, in this case Michelle's Zita. But other than that I find his performance average.

Bosco, as observed by Kidd will have very little to do, except to be the follower or in Cantonese, "Pong Yau". True true true. But his character is the most genuine of all in his ambition to be a pilot. Other than that he really has nothing much to do than just to show up.

That Kenneth Ma also, performance not that good.

Jerry Lam is not an actor but he is a great host. His performance is average but I know his limitations in acting and his greatness in being a host, so for that I have no further comment.

Joe Ma is still Joe Ma.

Flora Chan still Flora Chan.

Francis Ng still rules with his icy cold stare at his irresponsible parents and his disbelief at having to call his little brother Uncle.

Coming a close second I must say is Ron Ng. He won most improved actor for this series right? Or for something else? He was really bad in Find The Light but in here he improved quite a bit, and I enjoyed his performance. I enjoyed how rudely he talked to Francis' Sam, how high he thought of himself simply because he was the uncle, his rude tone and the way he talked to Francis' Sam. I really dislike his Isaac but his performance must be given credit where it is due. A good one.

The worst performance had to be Sek Sau. Can't stand him.

The most "I really have nothing to do than to show up" may belong in 2nd place to Bosco but the actual winner is between Louisa So (very pretty but her role here is to me cold to Myolie's Zoe or to be Vincent's cheerleader) and Margaret Chung.

Margaret Chung surprises me with her back to basics characters because I thought she was quite heavily promoted a long long time ago? I feel she is much prettier now, her acting better but her role smaller, at times she is Ellesmere Choi, TVB's highest paid female ke-le-fe. She really has nothing to do.

What is the name of the actress who plays Zita's mom? Must check my cast list.

Overall a very enjoyable episode and looking forward to tomorrow's explosive episode.

End credit had I think some actor whose name I forgot explaining about something ... oh yes, the arrangement of seats in a plane.

I finally found out Sam and Vincent both have 3 bars on their shoulder, so they're one bar short of being a captain.

As for the guest performance by Twins, put it this way. They can't sing, they can't dance, they can't act and they can't even talk properly (be it in Mandarin or Cantonese), what more have they to say for themselves?

On a personal note, I like the taller one, the cuter one though guys seem to dig the shorter one, the sulkier one. Why? Because she is prettier and the taller one is like your little sister?


Anonymous January 7, 2005 at 5:54 PM  

No, Ron did not win most improved actor for his role as Isaac. TITS was last year's entry. He won for his role as Tsui Zhi Ling in Twin of Brothers. His acting there was quite wooden. Imo, his best performance so far is in TITS. His acting seems to have deproved in TOB.


Anonymous January 7, 2005 at 8:48 PM  

The actress that played Michelle Ye's (Zita) mum is Rebecca Chan Sau Chu

p.s. I walk shopping around at Sg Wang when i found a shop selling the Triangel dolls for RM33.90 each. It's at the 6th Floor. Think the shop called I-Star (either that or something related to astrology)




All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2005. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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