One more episode till the big finale. My fear that I mentioned in the previous episode almost came true, but it didn't. This has got to be the most emotionally charged episode, better than when Vincent died, better than any other episodes, because the emotions were so raw, so real and the performances were nothing but exceptional in one single scene that lasted about 8 minutes or so. Maybe 10 minutes. Never imagined myself saying this, fans of Flora must pay attention to this episode because this is her at her best. But of course it went downhill later. I am not too sure of the sequence of this episode but what happened in tonight's episode will be detailed in here.

Belle was alone in the house crying, wailing for Vincent, knowing he wasn't there.

Anyway Zoe's condition worsened but she still managed to smile and stay optimistic. Constant worry and running out had taken its toll on Sam who looked haggard, even had some messy hair. He was worried about losing Zoe, and he cried on her bossom as Zoe lightly comforted him and he even stayed with her and slept with her on the hospital bed, but this time it was Zoe offering her shoulder to him. She went out of the hospital and saw the rainbow. Sam professed his undying love for her and lightlyand gently kissed her lips and Zoe knew her death will hurt Sam really really bad.

Then Belle appeared. She visited Zoe at the hospital but she looked even more pale than the patient. She didn't look like she was paying any attention to the encouraging words Zoe was saying and Belle mumbled to herself Zoe's misfortune and how this wasn't supposed to be the way life is. Belle told Zoe that Zoe will be fine, told Zoe to hang in there, that Zoe must not have any regrets like Belle was having and Belle left looking as distracted as ever.

Sam came and Zoe quickly told Sam she was worried about Belle. Then Zoe felt her heart a bit of pain and Sam was quickly on his feet, asking if she was alright whilst Zoe tried to tell Sam about Belle. Sam was very distracted and tired but Zoe insisted that he goes to Belle's apartment and check her out. Sam by this time was fed up with Belle as he thought Zoe's condition merited his attention more. But he went anyway and he loudly banged on Belle's door, screaming if Belle was in there, looking very fed up with Belle. Suddenly Belle opened the door, and she looked frighteningly pale, a few messy hair and very big dark eye circles. Sam didn't quite noticed all that and he took Belle by the shoulders and roughly shook her, scolding her that "You promised me Belle, you promised me the last time will be the last, you will not think about Vincent anymore...I miss him too Belle, Wake up! Wake up!" but Belle was beyond listening and she weakly slumped to the floor. Sam noticed something was wrong when she kept saying "This will be the last time, it will be the last time" and he saw bottles which I suspect were sleeping pills. He knew immediately Belle was trying to kill herself and as he slumped to the floor with her he took teh phone and wanted to call of the ambulance. Belle took the phone from him and wailed, saying "No! I want to be with Vincent, do you know the pain of missing the one you love, the regret, it is too much to bear..." and Sam was in tears, desperate to try to take the phone and he ended up hugging Belle tightly, telling her his heartfelt words .."Belle, please don't do this...Vincent is already dead, Zoe is dying, please don't die, I will have no one left, please don't die...please...", begging Belle to hang on and weakly Belle said, "This is Zoe's chance to live..we have the same blood group, she can have my heart Sam, think about her..don't call please...let me be..." and Belle moved away and fainted whilst Sam thought for just awhile and quickly grabbed the phone.

Once at the hospital, Belle was inconsolable. Sam said "I know you blame me for saving you..but I can't let you die..." and Belle was too depressed to hear anything.

At the same hospital, Zoe saw Belle at the garden and Zoe approached Belle. Zoe sat down and said some comforting words that if she died she wouldn't want her loved ones to worry, she would want them to live on and she was convinced Vincent would feel the same and she felt. Belle suddenly looked at Zoe and her face brightened up. When Zoe left, Belle saw Vincent who told her it was time for her to let go. Belle finally understood and she let go of her grief and her regret and decided to be her old self again and Vincent disappeared forever.

I must say, is Vincent a ghost?? Joking, joking but Belle seemed to be still delusional but let got of her delusions. Whatever works for her to deal with her grief, or more like regret.

Anyway Zoe slipped into a deep coma and she had one night for a new heart, if not she will die. Sam was worried sick, didn't know what to do and for once the calm cool man ran out and Belle followed him and in Belle's arms he cried. They both tried to remain positive but they knew if Zoe didn't get a new heart by the end of that day, they would lose her forever.

Tomorrow will be last episode but no worries, a happy ending. Question is, whose heart will Zoe get? Definitely not Belle's.

I love tonight's episode as it showed Zoe's strength and Sam's vulnerability in full force. I was pretty bored with Zoe's optimism, but it was Sam's fear, pain and tears that really made tonight's episode the all time high. Francis Ng's performance was flawless. This man showed every worry, every frustration, every pain. When he held Zoe, he had fear and hopelessness, that he couldn't save the woman he loves. When with Belle, he looked fed up and then quickly turned to concern when Belle was in a more emotionally serious condition. His scene with Flora when as Belle she was trying to kill herself was emotionally raw. Flora did very good in that scene, she didn't mumble and she had the pain, the regret, the grief, all rolled into one. The best scene had to be Sam begging Belle to not die, because he had lost his best friend, he might lose the woman he loved, he couldn't handle another death. The grief was so real, I had tears in my eyes as Belle closed her eyes. I knew she will not die but you know who knows? Like that ridiculous Donald-Zita breakup scene, anything is possible. I didn't always like Belle but her grief was understandable as like she said, nothing is worse in life than having regrets.

What I didn't like though is Vincent's appearance, as a ghost-like figure when we all know he is just Belle's imagination, as if her inner voice talking to herself. It just made Belle looked like a lunatic. It was meant to be a good bye scene but for a woman so in grief, I was thinking she never once visited Vincent's grave. Then I realised Vincent became ashes and his ashes were thrown off the plane and into the air! A better plot would be burying him somewhere and Belle spending her days talking to his headstone and the goodbye scene with her saying a tender goodbye to Vincent at his grave, and then she sees a very handsome Vincent smiling at her and he lightly brushed her cheeks lovingly and happily drifting away, like as if Belle in her mind knew by letting go of her grief she will be releasing Vincent in a spiritual way. Wouldn't that be just poetic?

Everybody else does not exist in this series unfortunately. One thing I really don't get; Zoe is seriously ill, she is dying but Paul, where is Paul? Where are her brothers and sisters in law? Would they appear in the last episode? Wouldn't it be better to show them arriving in full force at the hospital, keeping vigil, praying and all? I mean Paul appeared for a while when he should be there as worried as Sam, even more worried than Sam.

As for Belle, shouldn't Ruby her bestest friend be in here somewhere? Where is she?

What I like though is Belle slowly taking Vincent's place as Sam's new best friend. They both lost someone they loved dearly, Belle lost the man she loved, Sam might lose the woman he loved, so there is a connection on a very emotional level. She and Sam became soul mates towards the end of this series, a relationship far stronger and spiritually fulfilling than being lovers.

The rest of the episode is between repetetive and a bit overdone. I am quite bored with Zoe's sickness actually.

Don't miss this one.




All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2005. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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