Definitely the best episode thus far as Vincent confronts his inner demons, Belle realises all is not perfect with her marriage, Zoe suffers a physical and emotional setback and Sam realises he may have stepped over the line by being all too helpful in the domestic problems between Vincent, Belle and the very bitchy Coco.

Vincent dislikes Sam now, because of the previous incident. But things went to a complete stop in his friendship with Sam when Belle confided in Sam that her marriage is suffering from some setback, Sam had a talk with Coco and found out that Vincent once promised to take Coco to travel when she graduated from school but because he was busy pursuing Belle at that time, he forgotten about his promise making Coco hate Belle for taking away her beloved brother. So Sam told Belle this and Belle told Vincent to buck up and Vincent found out what was wrong. But when Vincent asked who told Belle and Belle said Sam "who was more sensitive about our problems than you are" (but said in a very nice way), Vincent became very jealous. He confronted Sam and told Sam to basically get out of his family's problems, get away from Belle and stop being such a busy body and Sam knew he may have stepped over the line, although with good intentions. Belle overheard this conversation and I believe tonight's episode showed a side of Belle I have never seen before; she asked Vincent to meet her by the pier and she tearfully cried "I never knew I married a man who is as ungentleman and as untrustworthy as you, you have changed". Vincent was dumbstruck and Belle went further; "how can you say what you said to your best friend?" and Vincent of course spitefully retorted "Did Sam TOLD you?" (and I am sure in his mind he was thinking what a rat!) and Belle said "No, I overheard. Tell me, do you trust me?" and Vincent looked very guilty and the answer meant no and Belle cried even louder ..."One if your best friend, the other is your wife, and you're telling me now you have never trust us? You have always thought there was something between us?!" and Vincent kinda nodded and I think he actually said yes though I can't remember. Oh my, this was the moment Belle was so angry her face was red and she cried even harder and she looked at his square in the eyes whilst Vincent didn't dare to and she said.."Sam and I both knew our separation was due to a misunderstanding even before the wedding, Sam could have ran away with me and I could have followed him but I didn't do that and neither did Sam ... you must realise whatever you are doing now, all that you're doing now are pointless.." and she left. Vincent tried to hold on to her but she felt too hurt and she left without any further word. That I thought was Belle's greatest moment. You must admit, this relationship is very opened; Belle spoke her mind in defence of Sam's honour and I was thinking, VINCENTTTT what a bastard!

Then Vincent went home and sat back thinking what Belle told him. Then he heard the door opened and Coco walked right in as Vincent ran out thinking it was Belle. Coco knew something was wrong and after some time Vincent apologised to her for forgetting his promise and neglecting her and Coco said it was Belle's fault and for the first time, Vincent actually kinda scolded Coco in the gentlest of way .."It's not Belle's fault..I may have spent too much time pursuing her but Coco, you must understand, when you love someone, you spent your whole time with them and I am sorry I neglected you..I love Belle and I love you, you're my only sister" and Coco was very touched. Coco asked Vincent in a small voice; "was it because of me that you and sister in law fought?" and Vincent said "No, it was because of me..I thought I could be a gentleman about the whole thing and be open minded and let Belle choose and I was wrong .." and Coco quickly deduced that Sam was Belle's former lover. Coco quickly told Vincent to get Belle back and "I promise I will apologise to her myself if you get her back".

Vincent first went to see Sam in a pub and though Sam was alright with it, Vincent confided "I was very jealous of you, first with the career but I realise I minded most was the fact you and Belle were an item before.. I am sorry my friend...I am sorry" and Sam said another sorry and they won't be friends and they patched things up. Then Vincent went to Ruby's place and Belle was there and he told Belle he apologised to Sam and Belle forgave him and followed him back and to her amazement, Coco apologised as well and even offered to share her notes with this woman she used to hate! Belle was very happy and so was Vincent. Well Coco is not that bad after all!

End of this story.

As for Zoe, poor Zoe. I can't remember when she fell down before hurting her waist and spinal cord but when she fell down again during the hiking trip, I think she raptured and disc or something and needed surgery and more physical examination because she could barely walk. She was so scared she clung to Sam who promised her he will be right there and from thereon it was recognised as a fact that Sam was Zoe's boyfriend. True to his promised he was there everyday helping her, holding her but after awhile Zoe realised he felt guilty for what happened to her. He tried to gently tell her how he felt but Zoe told him first that he shouldn't take into heart his promise to a little girl who was desperate for some emotional support. She then refused to take Sam's hands and she reached for the I think you call the crane or something and hopped back into the hospital not entirely happy and Sam looking rather bewildered with this turn of events; or perhaps regret, who knows. Sam didn't know a good thing even if that good thing was right in front of him as opposed to Vincent who knew Belle was a good catch and went all out. That is the difference between these two men; one showed too much of emotions and one hid it all. Zoe was of course such a classy lady to walk away as she did, or rather hopped away. I was very happy with this turn of events; I didn't like a clingy Zoe, it showed a more mature Zoe whilst Belle confronting Vincent was a way of showing also how she had grown out of her romance and fate theories and face reality; that Vincent was her husband and to make this marriage work, honesty is sometimes the best policy. I also like the scenes where Vincent faced his demons; it shows a man conflicted in his emotions; and the fact that he told off his best friend and not Belle showed that how much he loved Belle that he was willing to risk losing his best friend to maintain the illusion of a perfect marriage. But when Belle confronted him, all demons gone, that was when their marriage became real. Of course later on Vincent would face his demons again and again and Sam and Belle became closer friends.

Performance wise, we see very little of the young ones except for Myolie who makes Zoe into such an honourable, mature and cute girl that one can't help but curse Sam for letting go of the one person who could make him happy and laugh. What more can I say? Myolie Wu impressess me as each episodes go by as she impressed me from her very first performance.

Francis Ng gave a very controlled performance and his best moment was when Joe's Vincent very rudely told him off, his face though blank and expressionless, his eyes gave a hint as to how his Sam actually felt. More so when he took off his glassess and rubbed his eyes. I believe there was tears and Sam was indeed hurt. It's those little gestures that made Francis Ng's performance such a good one. Young ones should learn from this maestro; where he places his hands, how he uses them, how one stare is worth more than 10 pages of dialogue. Excellent performance.

Flora was a bit over emotional and her face a bit too red as Belle but I thought for once in this series she gave a very good performance, especially during that scene she confronted Joe's Vincent and spoke her mind. In fact that was my favourite scene for this episode.

Joe Ma was above average tonight as he showed the ugly side of his Vincent and I thought for once when he stopped laughing he actually gave a decent performance. Moreover his Vincent had something to do tonight and his emotions complex. I thought Vincent was so interesting tonight. No one's perfect I guess, even for gentlemanly Vincent.

And that's it for tonight. If you ask me, I feel tonight's episode is definitely the best thus far with such super charged emotions. Don't miss this one.

End credits we have an actor playing a steward explaining the criteria to become one like knowing Chinese and English. Yeah right!

Next episode we have Vincent and Sam battled it out to be Captain and Isaac of course did something noble but stupid which I think must have blown his brother's chances. Anyway I kinda miss Isaac.


YWQ November 30, 2006 at 9:51 AM  

She need the operation is because she had two fall. one is when the pervert ah da following her and she fall down when she was trying to reach out for Sam. Second time was when she was kipnapped by ah da and she was tied to the chair. she fall down when sam was struggling with ah da!!



All opinion remains my own

Episodic thought is a detailed recap/summary and short review of each episode (as I watch them) with a dash of my own unique way of writing (basically it means if you're not into opinion that may differ from yours, please do not continue reading.

Your comments are most welcomed. Do use Post A Comment for the appropriate episode. Do remember to bookmark the episode so you may refer back when someone replies to your comments (if any). When commenting, please observe the rules of decorum and common courtesy. If this is a new series, please avoid posting future spoilers in earlier episodes, however you may post speculations.

For your information

This series was released in 2003 but was broadcast over ASTRO Wah Lai Toi in 2005. This episodic thoughts was written during that broadcast over ASTRO on a daily basis from Monday to Friday, episode per episode and it is officially completed when the series ended its run. Episodic Thoughts consists of summary of plot and a review of the current episode, all written by me, Funn Lim. The comments are still open so feel free to post your comments. Please be informed that the posts in here are full of spoilers. Thank you.

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